Otaku Links: This could be the last time

I have to start by saying this was a huge week for me. I finished NaNoWriMo, my most ambitious goal of the year, and went immediately into cramming for the JLPT N4 exam, which I take on Sunday. Needless to say, I haven’t been working on collecting good links as often.

But there is one link I wanted to highlight and that’s Battle For the Net, a website that encourages you to email and call Congress about your support for net neutrality. I have also used 5 Calls to do this—their scripts eliminate my phone anxiety!

If net neutrality goes away, so will Otaku Journalist, Gunpla 101, and Anime Origin Stories. I can’t afford to fork over big bucks to Verizon or Comcast in order to ensure readers still have a high-speed connection to view my blogs. Losing net neutrality harms me directly, and if you like reading what I post here, it’ll hurt you, too.

One more note: the FCC is ignoring scripted emails, saying that they are probably spam or fake. So you need to either write a unique message instead of Battle For the Net’s default one, or just be uncomfortable for a couple of minutes and make a call.

Thanks for your time. Now, onto some links!

Screenshot via Gundam Pans