Otaku Links: Actual news for a change


  • Geekosystem and The Mary Sue are merging into one big mega nerd news site. I’ve been reading Geekosystem since it launched in 2010, and The Mary Sue was how I first found my friend Aja. I’m excited to see where they take this.
  • Crunchyroll just acquired a video discovery site you’ve never heard of called Redux. Why should you care? Redux’s technology is designed to make accurate “watch this next” recommendations. With Crunchy’s growing title list, this might help us pinpoint the handful of anime we actually want to watch.
  • Gundam fans rejoice! Gundam Build Fighters just got a tentative launch estimate for its Season 2: Fall 2014.
  • They’re remaking everyone’s favorite pigeon murder dating sim, Hatoful Boyfriend, for English speakers. I just learned the word “hato,” or pigeon, in Japanese class and couldn’t stop thinking about this. It was better then the class when we learned how to pronounce “senpai” (with an “m” sound.)

Photo via plumgirl of Tumblr user whiteislandvalkyrie‘s mom.