A glimpse at my geeky apartment


I had a lot of fun answering everyone’s questions at my AMA last week. I realized that one of the questions I got, “Do you own any anime, manga, or figures?” could be easily answered with some pictures of my apartment. So it’s high time I do a tour here.

I live in a one bedroom apartment with my husband, so we don’t have much space to work with. So as soon as you walk in, you know who you’re dealing with. I’ve definitely had some interesting conversations with repairmen about our Gunpla collection!

housetour2John built the custom media center out of Ikea parts. The idea was to have enough shelves and openings out the back to plug in multiple consoles. And if you haven’t guessed by the keyboard on the kotatsu, the TV is actually just a computer with a huge monitor. (The computer was also custom build by John; he’s kind of the best.)

housetour10The kotatsu has been invaluable during the polar vortex, but soon it’ll be time to put the blanket away until next fall. If you were reading my blog back in 2010, you’ll notice that the kotatsu has gotten a bit of a makeover with a new comforter from Target.

housetour3Here’s the board game shelf, which is going to get a lot of attention come International Tabletop Day. The centerpiece is Gundam Destiny Extreme Burst Mode. Both pieces of art are prints from cartoonists we met at the Small Press Expo. The one on the right is Jess Fink, closeup here, and the one on the left is a silkscreen by Jen Tong, closeup here. That’s John’s computer to the right, along with a huge stack of anime DVDs. We’re in the process of uploading our entire collection onto a local media server.

housetour9Here’s the bedroom, which doubles as my office (you’ve seen my desk before). We have a bookcase on either side of the bed filled with even more books, manga, and figures.


A closeup of my bookshelf, with my Kuroneko and Elsie Nendoroids, plus a chibi Gundam Unicorn I picked up in Japantown. I used to have hundreds of books, but now that I mostly read on my Kindle app, I’ve pared it down to journalism reference, sci-fi, and the classics.


A closeup of John’s shelf with one of my favorite figures in his collection, Char. This bookshelf is mostly Gundam, with some Excel Saga and Genshiken mixed in.

housetour4We don’t keep anything nerdy in the bathroom or kitchen, since there’s too much concern of it getting water damaged. But I don’t think you can stand anywhere in here without seeing something that gives away our power level. There are five of these M:TG Unhinged lithographs on various walls, so you can always see at least one. Down below is a big pile of packaging and old game guides we need to sell on eBay, plus some framed fan art.


That’s all the photos for now. Bearguy and Acguy hope you enjoyed the tour!